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Provo City School District

Amelia Earhart Elementary School

Books create empathy. They allow one to walk in another’s footsteps and see the world through new eyes. The impact of shared reading experiences within a school community as a whole, then, is immeasurable. At Amelia Earhart Elementary, the Earhart Reading Community has consistently made it their mission to deliver these transformative experiences. 

To do so, Amelia Earhart Elementary’s Earhart Reading Community recently secured $2,000 via eight mini-grants to enrich literacy experiences for its students. At the core of the Earhart Reading Community’s mission is fostering a literacy culture, empowering students to take charge of their reading journeys. Through extensive participation from all stakeholders, including students, teachers, parents, and community members, the initiative strives to stimulate profound discussions and cultivate critical thinking skills. 

This funding, acquired through the diligent efforts of Amelia Teachers LeAnne Arnold, Natalie Alles, Macey Schlepp, Rachel Kovacs, Lydia Fabian, Erika Yellowhair, Janett Roberts, and Kayleen Dewey, is designated to support the acquisition of books and the implementation of unit-related projects. 

The $2,000 grants Cyprus Credit Union provided will be instrumental in acquiring books and resources, ensuring that every student has equitable access to enriching literary materials. The Earhart Reading Society committee members and dedicated educators extend their heartfelt appreciation for this vital support, poised to enhance the educational landscape at Amelia Earhart Elementary.

We express profound gratitude to Cyprus Credit Union for its ongoing commitment to education and community enrichment. Moreover, we commend Amelia Earhart Elementary for its steadfast commitment to crafting exceptional literary experiences for our youth.


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