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Provo City School District

Amelia Earhart Elementary School

PTA Message

Thank you to everyone who joined the PTA at back to school night! If you did not have the chance t sign up, but would still like to join, you can do so easily in the office. The purpose of the PTA is simple: to support our amazing teachers and administrators, help our children reach their highest potential. Membership dues are just $5.00 and you do not have to be ablated to do anything else. By joining you will receive the minutes from our meetings and know what is happening in advance at the school. You can also offer input and suggestions to discuss. If you want to b more involved we would LOVE to have you attend the months meeting. We meet on the third Thursday of each month at 10:00 AM in the faculty lounge. Your voice is needed! All are welcome!! Our first even of the year is Skate Night at the school on Friday, September 11. This is a fun night for your whole family. don’t miss it! I you signed up to be a room parent this year, our annual Room Mother’s Tea will be Tuesday, September 29 at 3:45 in the library. This is a great chance to discuss and plan the year with your teacher and enjoy yummy treats. An invitation will be sent home to you with more details if you signed up. Thanks for helping make our school great. Together we can fly higher!

Morning Supervision

Breakfast in the morning starts at 8:00 AM. Outside supervision starts at 8:10 AM. Please do not send your children to school before these times. In addition, our crossing guard on Center St. and 2530 West will be there in the mornings from 8:00-8:40. Thanks!!! 


Amelia Earhart's Annual Title 1 Meeting The year Annual Title 1 Meeting was held on Friday, September 13, in conjunction with our Read-with-a-Child morning. We thank the parents and the community...

September 17, 2024 Parents of Amelia Earhart, Earhart Literacy Community Our Earhart Literacy Community (or ELC) is the name of our school-wide reading program.  This month, the students and...

Principal Ryan McCarty is a strong advocate for active recess at Amelia Earhart Elementary. Under his leadership, the playground has been enhanced with exciting additions like Nine-Square, a...
