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Provo City School District

Amelia Earhart Elementary School

Checking in at Main Office

Just a friendly reminder to make sure that all visitors to the school (including parents) check in at the main office. This is for our student’s safety. Visitors will get a sticker badge to put on. Staff are trained to direct any adults without the badge back to the office to check in.

Online Scheduler

The window for scheduling the time for Parent Teacher Conference (November 9 & 10) is now open. Please go to the Amelia Earhart webpage and click on “Online SEP Scheduler”. If you need help or need to use a computer to schedule, please stop by and ask for help at our main office. The password is Aviators

Cell Phone/Tablet Policy

Our first priority is student safety. To ensure that students do not access or show other students inappropriate material that can be accessed from electronic devices, we have a policy that students are not allowed to use cell phones, tablets, electronic gaming systems, etc…before, during, or after school. This policy is also in place so that students will not be distracted from learning. We recognize the need of some students to have a phone with them to contact parents on their way to and from school. Students May have these devices with them for that purpose. These devices need to be turned off and stored in their backpack while at school. If a student does have their device out at school, it will be taken away from them and will be given back at the end of the day to the student. The second time this happens, the teacher will call the parents and they will need to come get the device from the teacher. The third time it happens, the device will be given to the Principal and he will have a Parent/Student/Admin conference to give the device back. Please let Principal McCarty know if you have any questions or concerns.


Amelia Earhart's Annual Title 1 Meeting The year Annual Title 1 Meeting was held on Friday, September 13, in conjunction with our Read-with-a-Child morning. We thank the parents and the community...

September 17, 2024 Parents of Amelia Earhart, Earhart Literacy Community Our Earhart Literacy Community (or ELC) is the name of our school-wide reading program.  This month, the students and...

Principal Ryan McCarty is a strong advocate for active recess at Amelia Earhart Elementary. Under his leadership, the playground has been enhanced with exciting additions like Nine-Square, a...
