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Provo City School District

Amelia Earhart Elementary School

It is time to register for preschool! Do you have a child that will be four years old by September 1, 2019? Do you live within the boundaries of one of our seven Title 1 schools?

Your child must be screened to qualify for the Title 1 preschool. Scan the QR code at the bottom of the flier or visit Provo City School District’s preschool webpage to register your child for screening.

Contact Information

  • Ari LeCheminant
  • 801-370-4616
  • Si tiene cualquier pregunta, favor de contactar a:
    • Liz Robles
    • 801-374-4838

Other Information

  • School is 5 days a week
  • AM & PM Sessions available
  • Tuition is $20 a month
  • Parents must provide transportation to and from school, busing will not be provided by the district

2019-2020 Locations

  • Franklin Elementary – will serve franklin students
  • Provo Peaks Elementary – will serve Provo Peaks & Timpanogos students
  • Spring Creek Elementary – will serve Spring Creek & Provost students
  • Sunset View Elementary – will serve Sunset View & Amelia Earhart students

Amelia Earhart's Annual Title 1 Meeting The year Annual Title 1 Meeting was held on Friday, September 13, in conjunction with our Read-with-a-Child morning. We thank the parents and the community...

September 17, 2024 Parents of Amelia Earhart, Earhart Literacy Community Our Earhart Literacy Community (or ELC) is the name of our school-wide reading program.  This month, the students and...

Principal Ryan McCarty is a strong advocate for active recess at Amelia Earhart Elementary. Under his leadership, the playground has been enhanced with exciting additions like Nine-Square, a...
