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Provo City School District

Amelia Earhart Elementary School

Amelia Earhart Announcements

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences are Wed. Feb. 26 and Thurs. 27 from 1:20 to 6:40 each day. Please sign up for your time with the Online Scheduler. We want to share how your student is progressing towards their goals.

Save the Date 3rd/4th Graders Vs Parents in Multiplication Competition

Tuesday, Feb. 18, at 6:30 is the Kid's against Parents Multiplication Math Facts Competition! Practice 15 minutes a night! Return practice cards each Friday for prizes. Yummy refreshments! See you there!

Seeking STEM Fair Volunteers

We are looking for volunteers to help us judge the students' projects at school throughout Provo City School District. If you are interested, please see the post for the link to volunteer. Thank you! Seeking STEM Fair Volunteers

Amelia Earhart News

UVU  Prep STEM Summer Program Does your sixth-grade student enjoy math and science?  Are they curious about how things work? If so, consider the UVU Prep 6-week advanced summer STEM Program. It is...

Special Recognition Each week, many students receive Aviator and Rise Praise Awards.  These awards recognize students individually for their example and efforts for academic excellence or positive...

Choir Concert On the evening of November 20, the Amelia Earhart early morning children's choir, directed by Mrs. Lydia Fabian and accompanied by Miss LaDale Toblar, performed a concert of autumn...

The clothing swap on November 15 was a huge success due to the efforts of the Amelia Earhart PTA, members of the student council, and their advisor Mrs. Kari Done. Donations were collected at the...

November's Praise Book Winners Students who receive either an Aviator or Rise Praise note from a teacher or staff member have their note placed in a drawing.  Several students have their names...

Congratulations to the following students who have earned academic or behavioral excellence praise. They received school-wide recognition with their names read over the announcements, and they chose...

Amelia Earhart Elementary Arts Night The Annual Amelia Earhart Elementary Arts Night will take place on Wednesday, November 20 from 5:30 - 7  PM. We will begin with a choir performance directed by...

Upcoming STEM Fair Are you excited about the STEM Fair? Our school STEM Fair will be held on Jan. 17, 2025. Volunteers Needed We are looking for volunteers to help us judge the students'...
