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Provo City School District

Amelia Earhart Elementary


Amelia Earhart Elementary School News :

Step-by-Step Kindergarten Registration Instructions We welcome all Amelia Earhart Elementary community students who will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2025, to register for Kindergarten...

Written by Spencer Tuinei “Debbie is a source of wisdom and compassion,” shared Education Support Professional Kari Connor. “Students understand that Mrs. Larson is fair and always there to...

The Scholastic Book Fair will be held during the first week of March from Monday, 3 to Thursday, 6. Students can purchase books and other items before and after school and during their library time....

Congratulations! Mrs. Perryman Horace Mann Life Insurance presents the Crystal Apple Award to recognize educators who have made a positive impact.  Mrs. Perryman, Amelia Earhart's Instructional...

Fall in Love with a Book Our librarians love holidays! However, instead of just decorating in red and pink hearts, they set up speed dating to introduce students to various choices.  After the...

We love our students! They are rising to Aviator expectations in both academics and behavior. The students selected a special prize book from Mr. McCarty's principal cupboard. If you see these...

The Earhart Literacy Committee will launch their March two book selections on Friday, February 28.  Encourage your students to bring home the books to read individually or as a family. Jamari Jumps...
