Last modified: February 6, 2025
Title I School Improvement Plan
School Improvement Status
- Targeted Support & Improvement (TSI): No
- Additional Targeted Support & Improvement (ATSI): No
- Comprehensive Support Improvement (CSI): No
Strategic Plan Priority 1: Academic Achievement
Goal 1
- Increase the percent proficient on End of Year RISE ELA Assessments by 4% from 2023-2024 End of Year to 2024-2025 End of Year. As steps to this goal, increase the percent proficient Acadience Reading Assessment from the 2023-2024 year to the 2024-2025 year by 6% (including at least 8% growth in proficiency in each subgroup of ML and SPED students).
Goal 2
- Increase the percent proficient on RISE Math Assessments from the 2023-2024 year to the 2024-2025 year by 5% (including at least 6% growth in each subgroup of ML and SPED students).
Action Steps:
- Paraprofessionals that use research-based programs (such as 95%, Wonder Works, ERI, and SPIRE) that are targeted to meet the needs of students based on how they do on reading assessments such as Acadience, STAR
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase prof.
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 2 – Tier II/III
- Subject/Other Info: ELA
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Measurement of Action Step: Coming as a district expectation in 2026
- Cost: $41,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Cost: $46,000.00
- Funding Source: TI Personnel
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Title I Coordinator for parent engagement & Tier 2/3 interventions
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase prof.
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 2 – Tier II/III
- Subject/Other Info: ELA
- Timeline: 2024-2026
- Measurement of Action Step: N/A
- Cost: $110,732.00
- Funding Source: TI Personnel
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Paraprofessionals that work with students who are on or above grade level, so as to allow teachers to work with the students who are below grade level and need interventions and remediation on specific math skills. They also may work with small groups of students who need targeted remediation of specific standards based on assessments in Into Math, and using Tiered Resources from the Into Math program
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase prof.
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 2 – Tier II/III
- Subject/Other Info: Other
- Timeline: 2024-2027
- Measurement of Action Step: N/A
- Cost: $20,000.00
- Funding Source: TI Personnel
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Cost: $12,000.00
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- New to the Country conversational small group instruction, and phonemic awareness instruction to help with both English Language Development (as measured by ACCESS Testing) and Acadience progress
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase prof.
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 2 – Tier II/III
- Subject/Other Info: ELA
- Timeline: 2024-2028
- Measurement of Action Step: N/A
- Cost: $8,256.00
- Funding Source: EARS 5364 (ML only)
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Parent Engagement Activities that increase reading and math skill practice at home
Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase prof.
Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 2 – Tier II/III
Subject/Other Info: ELA & MA
Timeline: 2024-2029
Measurement of Action Step: N/A
Cost: $2,500.00
Funding Source: TI Parent Engagment
Expenditure: Supplies
- Monthly ML PD, that targets Tier 1 differentiation skills helping ML students access Tier 1
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase prof.
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 2 – Tier II/III
- Subject/Other Info: ML
- Timeline: 2024-2030
- Measurement of Action Step: N/A
- Cost: $$1,000.00
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: Supplies
- 80% of students will meet their growth goal on ACESS Testing. (Monthly PD referenced above helping to target the specific areas of growth (eg. listening, speaking, reading, writing)
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P1 Achievement: Goal 1 – Increase prof.
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P1: G1 Strategy 1 – Tier I
- Subject/Other Info: ML
- Timeline: Ongoing
- Measurement of Action Step: N/A
- Cost: $100.00
- Funding Source: TIII (ML)
- Expenditure: Supplies
Strategic Plan Priority 2: Wellness and Safety
Goal 1
- Increase the percentage of students who feel a sense of belonging at Amelia by 10% (as measured by the Panorama survey).
Goal 2
- Decrease the percentage of students who attend less than 80% of school days by 25%.
Action Steps:
- Paraprofessionals that will support Tier 1, Multi Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), and Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports (PBIS) programs in the school, including the use of the Wellness Room, Check and Connect, and Reflection Room to provide both support and behavoral instruction for students with social / emotional needs. Based on Maslow’s Hierachy and EveryDay Strong principles, students need these in place to succeed on our academic achievement goals in the SIP
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P2 Wellness & Safety: G2 Reduce Behaviors
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P2: G2 Strategy 1 – Levels of Behavior
- Subject/Other Info: PBIS
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: $74,582.00
- Funding Source: TSSA
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Parent Engagement Activities related to Belonging / Community
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P2 Wellness & Safety: G1 Welcoming
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P2: G1 Strategy 2 – Increase family engagement
- Subject/Other Info: Parent Engagement
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: $1,500.00
- Funding Source: TI Parent Engagement
- Expenditure: Supplies
- Second Step weekly classroom Lessons by teachers
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P2 Wellness & Safety: G2 Reduce Behaviors
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P2: G2 Strategy 2 – PBIS system
- Subject/Other Info: PBIS
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: $0.00
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: N/A
- Weekly Social Lessons in School Learning Community classes focusing on belonging
- Strategic Plan Priority & Goal: P2 Wellness & Safety: G2 Reduce Behaviors
- Strategic Plan Strategy: P2: G2 Strategy 1 – Levels of Behavior
- Subject/Other Info: PBIS
- Timeline: 2024-2025
- Cost: $0.00
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: N/A
Strategic Plan Priority 3: Stewardship of Resources
- General
- Allocation: $117,810.00
- Total in Plan: $13,000.00
- Remaining to budget: $104,810.00
- Allocation: $74,582.60
- Total in Plan: $ $74,582.00
- Remaining to budget: $ $0.60
- Landtrust
- Allocation: $ $61,543.37
- Total in Plan: $ $61,000.00
- Remaining to budget: $543.37
- EARS 5364 (ML Only)
- Allocation: $8,256.00
- Total in Plan: $8,256.00
- Remaining to budget: $0.00
- TIII (ML) – no funds allocated this year *using EARS
- Allocation: $ $0.00
- Total in Plan: $100.00
- Remaining to budget: -$100.00
- TI 7501 Personnel
- Allocation: $201,212.00
- Total in Plan: $156,732.00
- Remaining to budget: $44,480.00
- TI 7502 Parent Engagement
- Allocation: $2,639.00
- Total in Plan: $4,000.00
- Remaining to budget: -$1,361.00
- TI 7503 Tiered Instruction
- Allocation: $0
- Total in Plan: $0
- Remaining to budget: $0
- TI 7504 PD
- Allocation: $0
- Total in Plan: $0
- Remaining to budget: $0
- Teacher Quality
- Allocation: $0
- Total in Plan: $0
- Remaining to budget: $0
Measurement of Goals & Additional Explanation
Measurement of Goals
- Measurement: Panorama, Powerschool bi-weekly attendance monitoring
Use of Additional Funds
- Paraprofessionals for more MTSS support
Communication of Progress
- Website / Email Newsletter
Stakeholder Involvement
- Monthly SCC meeting, with the vote on the plan occurring on March 14th
Names and roles of the individuals involved in the creation of the school improvement plan:
- Ryan McCarty – Principal
- Kylee Perryman – Facilitator
- Jonathan Hoehne – Title 1
- Beth Reeves – PTA President
- Cami Larson – SCC Chair
- Jordan Graves – Parent
- Kirsten Zimmerman – Parent