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Provo City School District Logo

Provo City School District

Amelia Earhart Elementary


Last modified: January 21, 2025

Parent Handbook

2585 West 200 South Provo, UT 84601

Phone: 801-370-4630

FAX: 801-370-4633

Provo School District Offices: 801-374-4800

School Bus Transportation: 801-374-4860

School website

See District website for a complete list of policies and procedures

Table of Contents

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Mission Statement

Our Mission at Amelia Earhart is to be active learners who collaborate, persevere, ask questions, think out loud, offer solutions, and reflect on learning and actions. We instill respect, integrity, safety, empathy, and a love of reading and learning in each Aviator.


Dear Parents,

It is our goal to provide a positive and safe environment where every student can have his or her individual needs met. Everyone at Amelia Earhart is dedicated to helping your children learn, progress, and succeed. Education opens doors, and we want to help your children become reflective life-long learners. We appreciate the support parents continually give to the school. We invite parents to be involved and welcome your input and help as we continue to set the direction and climate for the school.

We encourage you to volunteer to help in the classroom and to work with the P.T.A. Parents, you are always welcome and encouraged to come to school often. When volunteering or spending time in your child’s class, please work out times with your child’s teacher. We ask that you not bring younger children into classes when volunteering or visiting (except when there are class parties you are helping with).

Please email, call, or stop by to speak with me if you have questions, concerns, or ideas about how we can better meet the needs of our kids. We hope that you will find this handbook helpful and that you will use it during the year to clarify any questions you may have about policies and procedures.

Thank you for all you do to support the school. Let’s continue the flight together!

Ryan McCarty 801-370-4630 Principal, Amelia Earhart Elementary

School History

Constructed in 1997-98, Amelia Earhart Elementary serves the southwest corner of Provo. Built to house 650 students, the school opened on Tuesday, August 25, 1998. The school is on a traditional schedule, and opened with an enrollment of over 500 students. During the 2022-2023 school year we will educate over 400 students. The school name was chosen from patron and student input. Our motto is AVIATORS RISE. The school mascot is the “Aviator”.

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School Hours and Recess Schedule

School Hours

Monday through Thursday: 8:40 AM – 3:20 PM

A.M. Kindergarten: 8:40 AM – 11:40 AM

P.M. Kindergarten: 12:20 PM – 3:20 PM

Fridays (Early Out): 8:40 AM – 1:30 PM

A.M. Kindergarten: 8:40 AM – 11:40 AM

Recess Schedule

  • 1st Grade: 10:45 – 11:00
  • 2nd Grade: 1:30 – 1:45
  • 3rd Grade: 1:45 – 2:00
  • 4th Grade: 2:00 – 2:15
  • 5th Grade: 1:15 – 1:30

Breakfast and Lunch Schedules and Prices


$1.50 for students

$2.00 for adults

Served Monday through Friday beginning at 8:00 AM


$2.00 for students

$4.00 for adults

Schedule (Lunch and Lunch Recess)

  • Cluster Class: 11:00 – 11:30
  • Grade 6: 11:20 – 11:55
  • Grade 5: 11:25 – 12:00
  • Grade 4: 11:35 – 12:10
  • Kindergarten 1: 11:40 – 12:20
  • Grade 3: 11:45 – 12:20
  • Grade 2: 11:55 – 12:30
  • Kindergarten 2: 11:50 – 12:30
  • Grade 1: 12:05 – 12:40

Please Do Not Send Students Prior To 8:00 AM.

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AVIATOR and Learning Pit

At Amelia Earhart Elementary, we believe that being a good learner is more than just sitting quietly and listening. We believe students need to learn 21st century skills as shown below to become actively engaged in their own learning. We also believe that students need to be willing to do hard things including persevering to get out of the learning pit when they encounter new and challenging things.

School-Wide Expectations

We want all AVIATORS to RISE. RISE stands for Respect, Integrity, Safety, and Empathy. We want our AVIATORS to RISE at all times, and we believe that helping students achieve these skills is equal in importance with academic growth. Students have helped us come up with specific expectations in our school.


  • Respect – Share the playground, respect others personal space, keep language positive.
  • Integrity – Be honest with self and others, walk away from anything that makes you feel uncomfortable, follow the rules even when no one is watching.
  • Safety – Make sure the supervisors can see you, take care of equipment, keep yourself and others safe.
  • Empathy – Uplift those around you, include others.


  • Respect – Use quiet voices, leave area clean.
  • Integrity – Only go when needed, go-flush-wash-return.
  • Safety – Keep feet on ground, report problems to a teacher, use things as they are meant to be used.
  • Empathy – Hand and eyes to self.

Hallway Behavior

  • Respect – Quiet feet, keep hallway clean, closed mouth, acknowledge others in an appropriate way (e.g. smile and wave).
  • Integrity – Go straight to your destination and straight back using the most direct route.
  • Safety – Walk at all times in straight lines on the right side of the hallway, face forward.
  • Empathy – Limit distractions to others, hands to self.


  • Respect – Be kind to others by saying please and thank you, keep hands and feet to yourself, be patient in line, raise your hand and wait to be excused.
  • Integrity – Take and eat only your own food.
  • Safety – Clean up after yourself, keep food to yourself.
  • Empathy – Invite others to eat with you, help others be happy.

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SEP CONFERENCES: Teachers, parents, and students will meet together at the beginning of the year to set goals for the school year. The goals will be reviewed periodically throughout the year. The SEP is a process, a plan, a partnership. Its purposes are:

  • To encourage the student to take responsibility for his/her own education.
  • To bring home and school into a close relationship.
  • To make the setting of goals and expectations a personal matter.

The discipline philosophy at Amelia Earhart is based on:

  • Trust
  • A positive climate
  • A simple structure of rules
  • Logical and natural consequences

Challenging and exciting work is the best motivator for students. Therefore, teachers have the primary responsibility for enhancing and maintaining an effective learning climate.

We believe that the atmosphere at Amelia Earhart Elementary should be characterized by RESPECT for adults and those in authority and a reciprocal respect for the dignity and individuality of a child. We believe these standards are specific enough to develop self-discipline. We support the value and importance of our school standards: (RISE)

  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Safety
  • Empathy

Success in a child’s development comes in a partnership between students, parents, and community. Parents will be involved in the entire school program, including discipline and reinforcement measures that recognize or correct their children. If classroom correction needs additional support, a Reflection Room is available throughout the day. If a student is removed from the regular classroom and taken to the Reflection Room a phone call will be made home to notify parents. In the reflection room, the student will have time to think and write about his choices and consequences. A parent meeting will be held if the problem continues.

Sexual Harassment

Federal law prohibits sexual harassment of any kind by students or employees of Provo School District. Examples of sexual harassment include jokes, physical gestures, inappropriate physical contact, negative or offensive comments or any other written, expressed or visual material that is humiliating or derisive that creates an uncomfortable work or learning environment. Violations should be reported immediately to the teacher or principal. Following an investigation, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. (Please refer to the District Safe School Policy Booklet).

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Safe School’s Policy

Behaviors which deprive other students or faculty members of an orderly and safe learning environment are prohibited at Amelia Earhart Elementary. This applies to actions of students during school hours, before and after school, while on school property, while traveling in vehicles authorized by the school or district, at all school or district related events, and when the actions affect the mission or operation of Amelia Earhart Elementary.

Children shall have the right to feel safe walking to and from school and therefore we hope that parents will impress upon their children the importance of not bullying nor harassing other children–both are against the law and could result in involving local law enforcement.

Every family can access a copy of the Provo School District Safe Schools Policy and Procedure booklet. We encourage every family to review the booklet with their children. It is important for everyone to be aware of the Attendance Policy as well as how Safe Schools Violations will be dealt with at school. Please refer to or ask the office for more information about the Safe Schools Policy.

Financial Assistance

Financial assistance is available to families who qualify for free or reduced lunch under federal guidelines. Please contact the office for additional information and forms.

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Money at School

Please do not allow students to bring large sums of money or valuable items to school. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items. If money is sent for school purposes, please place it in a sealed envelope labeled with the child’s name, teacher, and purpose.


There are no required fees at Amelia Earhart Elementary. All textbooks, equipment, and supplies are provided for every student. Students are welcome, but not required, to bring supplementary supplies of their own choosing. Occasionally teachers may ask you for tax-deductible donations to support specific class activities. These contributions are completely voluntary, and we appreciate your generous support. No child will be penalized for not making a donation nor be deprived of participation in any activity.

Flight Updates

Each family will receive a school newsletter through email weekly. The newsletter will contain important information concerning school activities, rules, and other pertinent information.

Emergency Numbers

It is important that the school has updated work and emergency phone numbers for all students. In the event your child becomes ill or is injured at school, we need current information. Please contact the office to update student information or log in to PowerSchool to make changes.

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The following immunizations are required before admission to school: DPT-5, Polio-4, MMR-2, HIB, Hep A-2, Hep B-3, and Varicella 2 (Chicken Pox). TB (Tuberculosis) testing is required for students coming from foreign countries or specified states. Please check with the office for more information.

Student Medications

No medication can be brought to school or dispensed by the school without a completed official form. All medication must be in the original container with complete information attached (name of medicine, prescribing physician, patient, dosage, and instructions). Forms are available in the office and must be updated yearly.


Regular attendance is crucial for academic success. Please notify the office by 9 a.m. if your child will be absent. Students should not arrive before 8:10 a.m. unless they are eating breakfast. The first bell rings at 8:30 a.m. and the tardy bell at 8:40 a.m.

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Dress Policy

The dress policy is as follows:

  • Footwear: Shoes or sandals are required at all times. Flip- flops are not recommended as they pose a safety issue.
    • Rollerblades and roller-shoes are not allowed at school.
  • *Logos: Clothing and jewelry may not display obscene or suggestive words or pictures that portray or advertise any substance, which a student cannot legally possess or use.
  • Shirts/Blouses and Shorts: Make sure shorts are past the finger tips. Please make sure shirts (or cutoffs / tank tops) cover undergarments and are not low cut or revealing from front, back, or side.
  • Sunglasses and hats are not be to worn in the building except on specified “School Spirit Days” that will be noted in the “Flight Update” calendars that will be sent home.
  • Distracting, unnatural hair & colored sprays are not acceptable.

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Accessing Student Information

We ask all returning families to update their registration in the Parent Portal in PowerSchool every year. The portal allows families access to many things including:

  • Grades, attendance, and class assignments
  • Update contact information
  • Review and accept current district policy and procedures
  • Access applications for the meals program and school fee waivers

Open your browser and go to Login with your username and password. If you have forgotten your username or password, click on “Forgot Username or Password.” Once logged in, click the Student Registration/Yearly Update button at the top left. Then, click on Registration for each student. Contact the school registrar if you need assistance.

Acceptable Computer Use Policy

Students are expected to follow district guidelines for computer use. Access to the internet and school devices is a privilege that requires responsible behavior. Misuse of technology may result in loss of privileges and disciplinary action.

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Homework will be given 2-4 nights a week. It will be designed to reinforce what is taught in the classroom. Students are accountable for completing and returning homework on time. We encourage students to have a parent or responsible sibling check homework for accuracy, and offer help where needed. Homework for a sick child is available from the teacher before and after school. Completing homework increases student performance and builds responsibility. Emphasis is on daily reading and math fact fluency.

Home Reading

Earhart Literacy Committee:

Every student will pilot his or her own reading progression by participation in the ‘Earhart Literacy Committee.’ Throughout this school year students, from 1st through 6th grades, will receive an invitation to a literary buffet of chosen books. Specific books are assigned to grade levels 1st – 3rd and 4th – 6th.

Students will have opportunities to engage as insightful guests guide them through this new ‘flight path’ of reading material. The chosen guests may tell the background of a story or why the characters are heroes. They may even invite students to solve the main theme of the books. Do not think the reading fun stops here!

The students invited to each month’s meeting of the ‘Earhart Literacy Committee’ will have reserved, in the school’s library, a brand-new copy of that month’s chosen book . . . just for them. They will be known as the ‘First Readers’ – forging new flight patterns for other readers to follow! Buckle your seat belts! Read on.

It is important that throughout the year students read every book on their list in preparation for the Challenges. During the year two Challenges will be held between grade levels. Challenges are a chance for students to show off their comprehension skills and schematic knowledge of each book. In case you think that the Challenges will just be plain old questions and answers: think again! There may be puzzles and sketching involved, or even the writing of poems and plays! During each Challenge, the halls of Amelia Earhart will buzz with activity as runners fly to the office with their classes’ answers and/or projects.

You see, the ‘Earhart Literacy Committee’ aims to engage all students: students who are ‘learning to read’ and students who are ‘reading to learn.’ The Amelia Earhart faculty and staff, on behalf of the ‘Earhart Literacy Committee’, invite you to ‘Fly High’ with your student this year.

Tips for Student Success

The following tips have been proven to increase student success:

  1. Students should get adequate rest every night in order to focus on learning the following day. Eight hours of sleep is recommended by the Board of Pediatric Physicians.
  2. Students should eat a healthy breakfast every morning in order to focus on learning.
  3. Reading daily with your child is one of the most important habits you can do. Not only will it improve your child’s reading comprehension, but it will also strengthen your relationship.
  4. If you feel that your child needs more support at school, we have the following options:
    1. a. A wellness room dedicated to helping students with brain breaks, getting meaningful connection time, etc. b. A counselor who can meet with students struggling with anxiety, depression, etc. c. Behavior plans to help motivate and give feedback to students in need.

If you feel your child needs any of these services, please ask.

Checking a Student Out of School

If you need to check your child out of school during the day, please go to the main office. A valid photo ID may be required to verify your identity. Only authorized persons listed on the emergency contact form may check out a student.

Leaving School Grounds

Students are not allowed to leave school grounds during school hours without written permission from a parent or guardian. Parents must check out students through the main office.

Staying After School

Students staying after school for programs, tutoring, or activities must have prior permission from their parents. Supervision is provided only for scheduled activities. Please arrange for prompt pickup after the activity ends.

Student Safety

The safety of all students is a top priority at Amelia Earhart Elementary. Students are expected to follow safety rules at all times, whether in the classroom, hallways, playground, or while traveling to and from school. Parents are encouraged to discuss safety measures with their children, including the importance of not talking to strangers and following traffic laws.

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Telephone Use

Students may use the office telephone for emergencies only. Arrangements for after-school activities should be made before the school day begins. Cell phones are allowed but must remain off and in backpacks during school hours unless used with teacher permission.


All visitors must check in at the main office upon arrival. A visitor badge will be issued and must be worn at all times while on campus. For the safety of our students and staff, unregistered visitors will be asked to leave school property.

Skateboards, Scooters, Rollerblades, Rollershoes, and Bikes

Students may ride their bikes to school if given parental permission. Helmets are strongly encouraged, and bikes should be locked at designated bike racks. Skateboards, scooters, rollerblades, and rollershoes are not permitted on school grounds.


If your family plans to move, please notify the school office at least one week in advance. Ensure that all library books, textbooks, and other school materials are returned. Check with the lunch secretary to resolve any outstanding lunch balances.

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Special Accommodations

Amelia Earhart Elementary is committed to providing an inclusive learning environment for all students. If your child requires special accommodations, please contact the school office or your child’s teacher to discuss how we can best meet their needs.


In the event of an emergency, the school will follow established protocols to ensure the safety of all students and staff. Emergency drills are conducted regularly to prepare for situations such as fire, earthquake, or lockdowns. Parents will be notified as soon as possible in case of an actual emergency. Please keep your contact information up to date in the school records.

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