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Provo City School District

Amelia Earhart Elementary School

Save the Date(s): 

  • STEM Fair December 14th
  • Read with a Child Day AND Christmas Sing-in December 20th

 Our Inside/Outside supervision and recess determination is as follows:

  • Morning Supervision before school starts (8:10 – 8:30) 25 degrees or warmer will be outside.  Students have the choice to be in their grade level lines, play on the playground, or sit on empty tables in the lunchroom if they are cold.  I am having the morning temperature a little higher as kids are often less active and because of this it feels colder in the morning. 24 degrees or colder will be inside.  1st and 4th in the main entrance, 2nd and 3rd in the west door entrance (by playground) and 5th and 6th in the gym.
  • Lunch and Afternoon Recess. 20 degrees or warmer will be outside.  Please make sure that kids dress warm to school.  It is important for kids to get outside and be active (and also stay warm).  If you need help getting winter coats or clothes, please call our main office. 19 degrees or less will be inside.  Students will stay in classes.  Students may only use technology during this time if a staff is in the classroom the whole time.  If a lunch supervisor is watching more than one classroom, those classrooms can not use computers, etc…
  • Air Quality 

Green and Yellow – Students will be outside

Orange – Students with parent or doctor notes to stay inside for Orange air quality will be allowed to stay in the computer lab (lunch recess) or one of the grade level classrooms (grade level recess).  All other students will go outside.

Red – All students will be inside

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!


Amelia Earhart's Annual Title 1 Meeting The year Annual Title 1 Meeting was held on Friday, September 13, in conjunction with our Read-with-a-Child morning. We thank the parents and the community...

September 17, 2024 Parents of Amelia Earhart, Earhart Literacy Community Our Earhart Literacy Community (or ELC) is the name of our school-wide reading program.  This month, the students and...

Principal Ryan McCarty is a strong advocate for active recess at Amelia Earhart Elementary. Under his leadership, the playground has been enhanced with exciting additions like Nine-Square, a...
