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Provo City School District

Amelia Earhart Elementary School

Title 1 Defined:

Title 1 Part A provides Utah federal funding each year to help higher poverty schools provide supplemental educational services to meet the needs of educationally disadvantaged students.

3 Purposes of Title 1

  1. Students achieve proficiency in reading/language arts and mathematics. 
  2. Building teacher capacity through quality professional development.
  3. Enhance parents’ abilities to help their children succeed through quality parental engagement activities.

Student Achievement

  • Schools must use evidence-based instructional strategies [ESSA requires showing lines of evidence]
  • Optional extended learning time: before/after school programs, summer school programs, intersession or Saturday programs
  • Primary core delivered by highly qualified teachers
  • Identifying learning needs through ongoing assessment
  • Targeted, evidence-based interventions for additional instructional help
  • Annual review of school academic progress reported to the public

Professional Development

  • School plan included clear, ongoing, evidence-based professional development to support teachers in meeting student needs
  • Evidence-based professional development includes follow-up and feedback
  • Teachers must meet highly qualified requirements
  • Paraprofessionals must meet highly qualified requirements
  • Services provided by paraprofessionals must be under the direction and in close proximity to a highly qualified teacher

Parent Engagement

  • LEA [District] Parent Engagement Policy
  • School Parent Engagement Policy
  • School-Parent Compact
  • Parents “right to know” requirement
  • Input into planning and implementation of parent engagement activities
  • Access to assessment and evaluation data
  • Set-aside expectation [1% of LEA budget, 100% is allocated to the schools]

Title 1 Funds

  • Implement school plans aligned with student achievement
  • Aligned direction to student achievement
  • Supplement, not supplant, must be used for things above and beyond general funding.

Examples of effective use of Title 1 Funds

  • Supplemental Personnel
  • Professional Development
  • Textbooks & Supplies
  • Extended Day/Year Programs
  • Early Childhood Program
  • Parent Engagement Activities
  • Counseling
  • Accelerated High-Quality Curriculum

Title 1 School Requirements

  1. Annual Needs Assessment 
  2. Annual School Plan

Updated by PCSD/CSI August 2024



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PTA Newsletter - October_Spanish PTA Newsletter -...

Each year, the United Way coordinates the Utah County Day of Caring, so early in the morning on September 12, 2024, a team of Brigham Young University employees and students started painting Amelia...
