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Provo City School District

Amelia Earhart Elementary School

Who is Kaela Preston?

Amelia Earhart Elementary welcomes Kaela Preston to the fifth-grade team. Read on to find out a little more about her. Her favorite subject to teach is math because solutions can be found when one goes step-by-step toward the answer. Books also influence her life, in fact, she would love to travel to New Zealand so she can see the sights where the Lord of the Rings was filmed. She fell in love with reading because of the Harry Potter series. Right now, one of her favorite books to share with students is Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus. This story promotes inclusion and curiosity tied together with a mystery.

Advice for Success

Kaela Preston’s advice to students for success in school and life is to take things step by step, especially when life gets hard. When I have felt overwhelmed or discouraged, I have learned that focusing on one thing/step at a time has helped me get through the hard times and be successful. If you focus on accomplishing a task step by step, I am confident you will climb to success. 


Attention parents of Amelia Earhart Elementary's 3rd and 4th grade students.  Your students want to practice hard for the next four weeks to learn the multiplication facts 1 - 12.  This is in...

It's Time to Register! Qualifications: Your child must be 4 years old by September 1st, 2025. Your child must be screened to qualify for the preschool. You must live within the boundary of...

Amelia Earhart's Literacy Community started the first Friday of the new year with a schoolwide book challenge.  During this one-hour sprint, students worked in partners or groups and searched...
