Free Summer Breakfast and Lunch
June 6th, 2022
Parents of Amelia Earhart, Beginning Monday, June 6th, ALL children ages 1-18 can enjoy FREE breakfast and lunch to accompany days of summer fun and educational activities through Provo City...
Parents of Amelia Earhart,
1. It is time to register for preschool! (Please share with neighbors who have future preschool-age kids)
Your child must be 4 years old by September 1st, 2022 You must live in Amelia or Sunset view boundaries Your child must be screened to qualify for the preschool
Contact Ari LeCheminant for more information : Ari Lechiminant 801-370-4616
Register here:
2. PTA bought some extra SWIG and Little Caesars cards that we have in our main office. You can pay with cash, check, or credit card. All profits made will still go to the field trip fundraiser. Pizza cards are $10.00 (10 free breadsticks with the purchase of a pizza) & Swig cards are $26.00 (10 – 44 ounce drinks).
3. On April 28th from 6:45 – 7:45 PM we will have a parent night “Online Safety Workshop for Families”. We have seen an increasing need for this and highly encourage each of you to attend. We will have treats as well! Padres de Amelia Earhart,
1. ¡Es hora de inscribirse en el preescolar! (Por favor, comparta con los vecinos que tengan futuros hijos en edad preescolar)
Su hijo debe tener 4 años para el 1 de septiembre de 2022 Usted debe vivir en los límites de Amelia o Sunset view Su hijo debe ser examinado para calificar para el preescolar
Contacte con Ari LeCheminant para más información: Ari Lechiminant 801-370-4616
Regístrese aquí:
2. El PTA compró algunas tarjetas extras de SWIG y Little Caesars que tenemos en nuestra oficina principal. Usted puede pagar con efectivo, cheque o tarjeta de crédito. Todas las ganancias obtenidas se destinarán a la recaudación de fondos para la excursión. Las tarjetas de pizza cuestan $10.00 (10 palitos de pan gratis con la compra de una pizza) y las tarjetas de Swig cuestan $26.00 (10 – bebidas de 44 onzas).
3. El 28 de abril de 6:45 – 7:45 PM tendremos una noche de padres “Taller de seguridad en línea para las familias”. Hemos visto una necesidad creciente de esto y animamos a cada uno de ustedes a asistir. ¡Tendremos golosinas también!
Parents of Amelia Earhart, Beginning Monday, June 6th, ALL children ages 1-18 can enjoy FREE breakfast and lunch to accompany days of summer fun and educational activities through Provo City...
Parents of Amelia Earhart, I hope you all have a fabulous and safe summer! School is out until the middle of August. 1. For those who need help accessing Dental, Medical, Pharmaceutical,...
Parents of Amelia Earhart, 1. Tomorrow (Thursday, May 26th) is an early out and school will get out at 1:30 PM. It is also Field Day. Students will spend more time outside, and some of it...