Free Summer Breakfast and Lunch
June 6th, 2022
Parents of Amelia Earhart, Beginning Monday, June 6th, ALL children ages 1-18 can enjoy FREE breakfast and lunch to accompany days of summer fun and educational activities through Provo City...
Parents of AME,
If your child missed Friday and you need to pick up a Chromebook for online learning tomorrow, please come between 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM today or 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM tomorrow. Pick up is on the northeast corner (see attached map).
Padres de AME,
Si su hijo se perdió el viernes y necesita recoger un Chromebook para el aprendizaje en línea mañana, venga entre las 11:00 a. m. y la 1:00 p. m. hoy o entre las 9:00 a. m. y las 11:00 a. m. mañana. La recogida está en la esquina noreste (ver mapa adjunto).
Parents of Amelia Earhart, Beginning Monday, June 6th, ALL children ages 1-18 can enjoy FREE breakfast and lunch to accompany days of summer fun and educational activities through Provo City...
Parents of Amelia Earhart, I hope you all have a fabulous and safe summer! School is out until the middle of August. 1. For those who need help accessing Dental, Medical, Pharmaceutical,...
Parents of Amelia Earhart, 1. Tomorrow (Thursday, May 26th) is an early out and school will get out at 1:30 PM. It is also Field Day. Students will spend more time outside, and some of it...