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Provo City School District

Amelia Earhart Elementary School

Every day during announcements I remind our students of our school’s three rules: Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible. My number one goal is that all students feel safe at school. Being safe includes keeping hands and feet to self as well as using appropriate language. Being respectful includes how students treat each other as well as the respect they show teachers by listening and following directions. Being responsible means doing what is right even when others aren’t watching. I am grateful for the many exemplar students at our school following these three school rules.

Mensaje del Sr. McCarty

Todos los días durante los anuncios me recuerdo a nuestros estudiantes de tres reglas de nuestra escuela: Be Safe, ser respetuoso y ser responsable. Mi objetivo número uno es que todos estudiantes se sientan seguros en la escuela. Ser seguro incluye mantener las manos y los pies para auto, así como el uso de un lenguaje apropiado. Ser respetuoso incluye cómo los estudiantes se tratan entre sí, así como el respeto que muestran los profesores por escuchar y seguir instrucciones. Ser responsable significa hacer lo correcto, incluso cuando otros no lo están viendo. Estoy muy agradecido por los muchos e estudiantes ejemplares en nuestra escuela después de estas tres reglas de la escuela.


Amelia Earhart's Annual Title 1 Meeting The year Annual Title 1 Meeting was held on Friday, September 13, in conjunction with our Read-with-a-Child morning. We thank the parents and the community...

September 17, 2024 Parents of Amelia Earhart, Earhart Literacy Community Our Earhart Literacy Community (or ELC) is the name of our school-wide reading program.  This month, the students and...

Principal Ryan McCarty is a strong advocate for active recess at Amelia Earhart Elementary. Under his leadership, the playground has been enhanced with exciting additions like Nine-Square, a...
