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Provo City School District

Amelia Earhart Elementary


Amelia Earhart will celebrate Kindness Week February 10 – 14! We’re inviting YOU to take part in our five-day Kindness Challenge to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week. 


  • Aviators are kind! Do a random secret act of kindness.
  • Wear your school shirt! 


  • We treat our friends with kindness. Write a kind note to someone. Let them know you appreciate what they do and that they matter to you.
  • Match with your friends! If you want to match Mrs. Hudson, she will wear jeans and a white T-shirt.


  • Kindness ties us together. Kindness is contagious. Scientists discovered that when you are kind to someone your kind act can spread to up to 125 other people!
  • Wear a tie to school! 


  • We’re kind from head to toe. Being kind to people helps to create a better world. Do something to help the environment. Pick up trash outside. Use less electricity by turning off things as you leave a room. Walk or bicycle instead of using a car.
  • Wear your favorite hat and crazy socks 


  • We love Kindness! Today, help elderly people who live next to you or send a letter to someone living in a long-term care facility. 
  • Wear red and pink.

The primary goal of Kindness Week is to make the world a better place by encouraging everyone to perform small, unexpected acts of kindness for others.  Did you know that when we are kind, our bodies release endorphins, the feel-good chemicals in our brains, and they help us feel happier?

Kindness Club students are spreading Kindness around the school.

Kindness Club students left hearts and kind messages on teacher and staff doors.Kindness Club students left hearts and kind messages on teacher and staff doors.


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Congratulations to the students who worked hard as academic Aviators in their classrooms or were examples of RISE, respect, integrity, safety, and empathy! Their achievement note was read over the...
