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Provo City School District

Amelia Earhart Elementary School

Congratulations to all the students who earned an Aviator or Rise Praise award!  You are great examples to all Aviators. The students pictured had their names drawn from among all the students who earned a Praise Award. Their praise was read on the morning announcements and they were able to select a new book. Happy Reading!


Attention parents of Amelia Earhart Elementary's 3rd and 4th grade students.  Your students want to practice hard for the next four weeks to learn the multiplication facts 1 - 12.  This is in...

It's Time to Register! Qualifications: Your child must be 4 years old by September 1st, 2025. Your child must be screened to qualify for the preschool. You must live within the boundary of...

Amelia Earhart's Literacy Community started the first Friday of the new year with a schoolwide book challenge.  During this one-hour sprint, students worked in partners or groups and searched...
