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Provo City School District

Amelia Earhart Elementary School

Meeting Minutes

Review: Amelia Earhart Trust Lands Plan DRAFT for the school year 2025-2026. 

Literacy Goal: Continue with growth for ELA RISE to 48%

  • Paraprofessionals use state-approved intervention programs to differentiate literacy skill instruction in small groups. 

Math Goal: Continue with growth for MATH RISE  to 42%

  •  Teachers work with the students needing prerequisite skills
  • Paraprofessionals work with on or above grade-level students on topics directed by classroom teachers. 

Flight School (preschool) future 2025-2026 funding: We prefer that this program continues at Amelia Earhart.

  • Use Trust Lands for funding
  • Pursue other funding possibilities (grants etc.)

Parent Teacher Conferences are Feb. 26 and 27, 2025 from 1:20 - 6:40 p.m. Students will be released at 1 p.m. on both parent-conference days.  Amelia Earhart Elementary has opened the "Online...

Congratulations! The following students received either an AVIATOR or RISE praise note from a teacher or staff member.  Their special academic or behavior recognition was randomly drawn from among...

Attention parents of Amelia Earhart Elementary's 3rd and 4th grade students.  Your students want to practice hard for the next four weeks to learn the multiplication facts 1 - 12.  This is in...
