Free Summer Breakfast and Lunch
- June 6th, 2022
Parents of Amelia Earhart, Beginning Monday, June 6th, ALL children ages 1-18 can enjoy FREE breakfast and lunch to accompany days of summer fun and educational activities through Provo City...
Parents of Amelia Earhart,
1. We have tried to limit fundraisers for the last couple of years, but we need your help! To fund field trips for our students, we rely on Fundraising efforts from our parents and PTA. Many students may not get to experience the Zoo, Children’s Museum of Curiosity, The Aquarium, Plays at Hale Center Theater, etc… without school Field Trip opportunities. Please see the below fliers for more information. We will also be sending home with your students some envelopes containing this information. Please return them by March 30th. There are 2 options. One is to sell Little Ceaser and/or SWIG gift cards to family members/friends. We get $7 for each Little Ceaser card and $9 for each SWIG card sold. The other option is a creative “No Fuss” Fundraising option.
2. Tomorrow (Friday, March 11th) we are having NetzSmartz come and present an assembly to our students about what it means to be a responsible and safe online/digital citizen. They will learn important online safety strategies. I encourage each of you to have a follow-up conversation with your children.
3. Sunday, March 13th is Daylight Savings. The hour change can be tricky for kids’ biorhythm, so please have them get to bed as early as possible that night.
4. Wednesday, March 16th is Dixon Parent Night at 6:00 PM in the gym for all 6th-grade students and their parents.
5. Thursday, March 17th we have PTA meeting (10:00) SCC meeting (11:00), and Food Pantry (3:30 – 4:30)
6. Kindergarten Registration is the week of March 21st – 24th.
Padres de Amelia Earhart,
1. Hemos intentado limitar las recaudaciones de fondos durante los últimos años, ¡pero necesitamos tu ayuda! Para financiar las excursiones de nuestros estudiantes, dependemos de los esfuerzos de recaudación de fondos de nuestros padres y la PTA. Es posible que muchos estudiantes no puedan experimentar el Zoológico, el Museo Infantil de la Curiosidad, el Acuario, las Obras en el Teatro del Centro Hale, etc… sin las oportunidades de Excursiones escolares. Consulte los folletos a continuación para obtener más información. También estaremos enviando a casa con sus estudiantes algunos sobres que contienen esta información. Por favor devuélvalos antes del 30 de marzo. Hay 2 opciones. Una es vender tarjetas de regalo Little Ceaser y/o SWIG a familiares/amigos. Obtenemos $7 por cada tarjeta Little Ceaser y $9 por cada tarjeta SWIG vendida. La otra opción es una opción creativa de recaudación de fondos “Sin complicaciones”.
2. Mañana (viernes 11 de marzo) tendremos a NetzSmartz y presentaremos una asamblea a nuestros estudiantes sobre lo que significa ser un ciudadano digital/en línea responsable y seguro. Aprenderán importantes estrategias de seguridad en línea. Animo a cada uno de ustedes a tener una conversación de seguimiento con sus hijos.
3. El domingo 13 de marzo es el horario de verano. El cambio de hora puede ser complicado para el biorritmo de los niños, así que pídales que se acuesten lo antes posible esa noche.
4. El miércoles 16 de marzo es la Noche de padres de Dixon a las 6:00 p. m. en el gimnasio para todos los estudiantes de 6.° grado y sus padres.
5. El jueves 17 de marzo tenemos reunión de PTA (10:00), reunión de SCC (11:00) y despensa de alimentos (3:30 – 4:30)
6. La inscripción para el jardín de infantes es la semana del 21 al 24 de marzo.
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Parents of Amelia Earhart, Beginning Monday, June 6th, ALL children ages 1-18 can enjoy FREE breakfast and lunch to accompany days of summer fun and educational activities through Provo City...
Parents of Amelia Earhart, I hope you all have a fabulous and safe summer! School is out until the middle of August. 1. For those who need help accessing Dental, Medical, Pharmaceutical,...
Parents of Amelia Earhart, 1. Tomorrow (Thursday, May 26th) is an early out and school will get out at 1:30 PM. It is also Field Day. Students will spend more time outside, and some of it...