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Provo City School District

Amelia Earhart Elementary School

Mrs. Dewey and Miss Tobler’s third-grade students share and display their science animal and habitat posters. In the Gallery Walk learning activity picture above, students use Post-it notes to comment on each other’s posters. They write what they love about the poster, what they learned about the animal, and questions they still wonder about. 

Groups of three students created each poster.  First, they researched their animal from books and online resources. They took notes and applied their informative writing skills. Last, they designed an informative poster to present what they had learned to others. Look for the poster written in Spanish – this was completed by a group of learning the English language but able to show what they understand about the science content in their home language.

Mrs. Dewey and Miss Tobler were excited to see the students working together on this integrated science and writing learning activity. 

Please study the pictures below. Please note: not all posters are shown.)

  • What do you love about the poster?
  • What did you learn about the animal?
  • What questions do you have now about the animal?

Third grade students animal poster presentations in the librar

Third grade students animal poster presentations in the librar

Third grade students animal poster presentations in the librar

Third grade students animal poster presentations in the librar

Third grade students animal poster presentations in the librar

Third grade students Spanish language animal poster presentations in the library


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