Free Summer Breakfast and Lunch
June 6th, 2022
Parents of Amelia Earhart, Beginning Monday, June 6th, ALL children ages 1-18 can enjoy FREE breakfast and lunch to accompany days of summer fun and educational activities through Provo City...
Parents of Amelia Earhart,
1. There will be no school (for Christmas Break) from now through January 2nd. School will resume on January 3rd. Have a fun and safe Christmas and New Year!
2. Chromebooks will typically go home with students over breaks. This is done for the possibility that the first day back from school was to be a snow day. Please plan on January 3rd being a regular school day unless you hear otherwise. Please make sure that computers are charged upon returning to school on the 3rd. Also, the Chromebooks will be unable to access the internet from December 20th – January 2nd.
3. We have found 4 pairs of glasses at school. If your child has lost a pair of glasses in the last couple of weeks, please email with a description.
4. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Utah County will be providing up to ten days worth of shelf-stable lunch packs for children during Christmas break. Priority will be given to children attending schools where the Club is already serving meals, but other residents of Utah County are also welcome to apply. Meals will be delivered directly to homes on December 20th, but residents do not need to be home in order to receive the meals, as all components are shelf-stable. Link to sign up below:
Padres de Amelia Earhart,
1. No habrá clases (durante las vacaciones de Navidad) desde ahora hasta el 2 de enero. La escuela se reanudará el 3 de enero. ¡Que tengas una Navidad y un Año Nuevo divertidos y seguros!
2. Los Chromebook normalmente se irán a casa con los estudiantes durante los descansos. Esto se hace por la posibilidad de que el primer día de regreso de la escuela fuera un día de nieve. Por favor, planee que el 3 de enero sea un día escolar regular a menos que escuche lo contrario. Por favor asegúrese de que las computadoras estén cargadas al regresar a la escuela el día 3. Además, los Chromebook no podrán acceder a Internet desde el 20 de diciembre hasta el 2 de enero.
3. Hemos encontrado 4 pares de anteojos en la escuela. Si su hijo ha perdido un par de anteojos en las últimas semanas, envíe un correo electrónico a con una descripción.
4. Los Boys & Girls Clubs del condado de Utah proporcionarán hasta diez días de paquetes de almuerzo estables para los niños durante las vacaciones de Navidad. Se dará prioridad a los niños que asisten a escuelas donde el Club ya está sirviendo comidas, pero otros residentes del condado de Utah también pueden postularse. Las comidas se entregarán directamente a los hogares el 20 de diciembre, pero los residentes no necesitan estar en casa para recibir las comidas, ya que todos los componentes son estables. Enlace para registrarse a continuación:
Parents of Amelia Earhart, Beginning Monday, June 6th, ALL children ages 1-18 can enjoy FREE breakfast and lunch to accompany days of summer fun and educational activities through Provo City...
Parents of Amelia Earhart, I hope you all have a fabulous and safe summer! School is out until the middle of August. 1. For those who need help accessing Dental, Medical, Pharmaceutical,...
Parents of Amelia Earhart, 1. Tomorrow (Thursday, May 26th) is an early out and school will get out at 1:30 PM. It is also Field Day. Students will spend more time outside, and some of it...