Free Summer Breakfast and Lunch
- June 6th, 2022
Parents of Amelia Earhart, Beginning Monday, June 6th, ALL children ages 1-18 can enjoy FREE breakfast and lunch to accompany days of summer fun and educational activities through Provo City...
Parents of Amelia Earhart,
Here is some important information for this week:
1. We will be handing out Drive-Thru Mobile Food Pantry for free from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM on Thursday, April 16th.
2. For those K-3 (or individually contacted 4-6) that did not pick up packets before Spring Break, we will be handing out packets again Thursday, April 16th from 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
3. Zoom meetings now all require passwords. For specialty class zoom meetings, the password will be sent to you in an email from Mr. McCarty. Please do not share this on social media. For security, all specialty zoom meetings will also have a teacher who is the “moderator” to let students in by recognizing student names who will be waiting in the “virtual waiting room”.
4. If you have a student who will be in Kindergarten next year, please start online registration at On the home page select I AM A PARENT and then Kindergarten Registration.
Any questions regarding this can be sent to our registrar at
5. A great optional resource for students to do virtual field trips, educational videos about many different topics, and safe and accurate research data banks is World Book. They are offering free access during Co-Vid 19 and it can be a great supplement for those who would like to offer more learning options to their children. Here is the login info: Username: wbsupport Password: distancelearn
6. Due to Covid-19, our students missed the opportunity to have the state’s Netzsmartz assembly. It is an important way to teach students about how to safely use the internet. Below is a link to their website with their presentations:
Padres de Amelia Earhart, Aquí hay información importante para esta semana:
1. Entregaremos gratis la despensa móvil de comida Drive-Thru de 11:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. el jueves 16 de abril. 2. Para aquellos K-3 (o contactados individualmente 4-6) que no recogieron paquetes antes de las vacaciones de primavera, estaremos entregando paquetes nuevamente el jueves 16 de abril de 10:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. 3. Las reuniones de zoom ahora requieren contraseñas. Para reuniones de zoom de clase especial, la contraseña será (check email from Mr. McCarty). Por favor no comparta esto en las redes sociales. Por seguridad, todas las reuniones de zoom especializadas también tendrán un maestro que es el “moderador” para dejar entrar a los estudiantes al reconocer los nombres de los estudiantes que estarán esperando en la “sala de espera virtual”. 4. Si tiene un estudiante que estará en Kindergarten el próximo año, inicie la inscripción en línea en En la página de inicio seleccione YO SOY UN PADRE y luego Registro de Kindergarten. Cualquier pregunta relacionada con esto puede enviarse a nuestro registrador a 5. Un gran recurso opcional para que los estudiantes realicen excursiones virtuales, videos educativos sobre muchos temas diferentes y bancos de datos de investigación seguros y precisos es World Book. Están ofreciendo acceso gratuito durante Co-Vid 19 y puede ser un gran complemento para aquellos que deseen ofrecer más opciones de aprendizaje a sus hijos. Aquí está la información de inicio de sesión: Nombre de usuario: wbsupport Contraseña: distancelearn 6. Debido a Covid-19, nuestros estudiantes perdieron la oportunidad de tener la asamblea de Netzsmartz del estado. Es una manera importante de enseñar a los estudiantes cómo usar Internet de manera segura. A continuación hay un enlace a su sitio web con sus presentaciones:
Parents of Amelia Earhart, Beginning Monday, June 6th, ALL children ages 1-18 can enjoy FREE breakfast and lunch to accompany days of summer fun and educational activities through Provo City...
Parents of Amelia Earhart, I hope you all have a fabulous and safe summer! School is out until the middle of August. 1. For those who need help accessing Dental, Medical, Pharmaceutical,...
Parents of Amelia Earhart, 1. Tomorrow (Thursday, May 26th) is an early out and school will get out at 1:30 PM. It is also Field Day. Students will spend more time outside, and some of it...