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Provo City School District

Amelia Earhart Elementary School

As a reminder, we feel a need to review the following safety guidelines:

  • Don’t drop students off before 8:00 am. There is not proper supervision before that and it is not safe. 
  • Students who ride to and from school in parent vehicles or carpools need to be picked up on time.  Any student who is staying after school longer than ten minutes, parents will be contacted.
  • Please do not have your children cross any streets other than in designated crosswalks to meet you in your vehicle.
  • Provo City provides crossing guards who are be stationed at Center Street and 2530 West. We strongly suggest that students coming and going from school cross at these points to avoid accidents. 
  • Students who walk or ride bikes to and from school need to do so in groups if possible and be sure and stay on the sidewalks.
  • Students who ride the bus need to go straight to their designated pick up areas to wait to board the bus.  Please stay on the sidewalks while waiting for the bus.

Student safety is extremely important to all of us at Amelia Earhart Elementary.  We ask parents to help us review these safety guidelines on a regular basis along with the importance of staying away from strangers.  This includes accepting rides or talking with people they do not know.


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