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Provo City School District Logo

Distrito escolar de la ciudad de Provo

Escuela Primaria Amelia Earhart

K-3 Kids Receive Free Books in the Mail During Summer Vacation!

Read Now 2024 Program. It is designed and proven to help K—3 grade-aged children maintain reading skills over the summer. As part of a legislative effort to improve literacy across our state, the non-profit organization Kids Read Now will send your child four free books of their choosing this summer. Your child’s teacher will help your child access the book menu. 

Opt Out 

If you want to opt out because you do not wish to share your home mailing address with Kids Read Now, please get in touch with Tina Mecham or Jaime Oldham in Amelia Earhart Elementary’s main office. Please note that opting out means you will not receive four free books during the summer vacation. 

Kids Read Now App

Kids Read Now provides parents with instructional materials to help their children engage with books. Parents can download an app where students can upload their summer reading progress and access engaging reading games.

Additional information on Amelia Earhart letterhead about the Kids Read Now summer book program is being sent home by your kindergarten through third grade teachers the week of March 3 – 7.

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