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Distrito escolar de la ciudad de Provo

Escuela Primaria Amelia Earhart

La Comunidad de Alfabetización de Amelia Earhart comenzó el primer viernes del nuevo curso con un reto de lectura en toda la escuela. Durante este sprint de una hora, los alumnos trabajaron en parejas o grupos y buscaron entre los títulos destacados del mes para responder a las preguntas. La actividad concluyó con los alumnos colocando sus nombres en el monumento mural del "libro". Cada nombre representa a un alumno que leyó el libro durante el primer semestre. 

¡Vea a los alumnos que participan en el primer reto del libro del curso escolar!  

students involved in a reading challenge. Finding answers to answer questions about books they have read together.

students involved in a reading challenge. Finding answers to answer questions about books they have read together.students involved in a reading challenge. Finding answers to answer questions about books they have read together.students participating the first semester book challenge working together

students participating the first semester book challenge working togetherstudents involved in a reading challenge. Finding answers to answer questions about books they have read together.students involved in a reading challenge. Finding answers to answer questions about books they have read together. students involved in a reading challenge. Finding answers to answer questions about books they have read together. students involved in a reading challenge. Finding answers to answer questions about books they have read together. students involved in a reading challenge. Finding answers to answer questions about books they have read together.

Ver el Muro de los Lectores 

.students names on a poster who read   challenge books

.students involved in a reading challenge place their names on the wall next to the books they read.students names on a poster who read   challenge books


0 Acciones

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