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Provo City School District

Amelia Earhart Elementary School

Parent Handbook

In addition to receiving this letter, all families will also receive a parent handbook. We sincerely hope that you will take the time to read both this newsletter and the handbook so that you are aware of the important dates, expect ions, etc…. Please keep the parent handbook for easy reference. The handbook can answer many questions that may arise.

Beginning the Year

  • Students in Grades 1-6 will begin on Wednesday, August 19th. We will have early out days for the entire first two weeks. Students will be exuded at 1:30 each day so that teachers can meet with students individually to complete assessments and have SEP conferences after school.
  • Please see the included flier that explains how parents can schedule times online for Assessments and SEPs.
  • Kindergarten students will begin school on wednesday, August 26th. Between August 19th-24th, teachers will meet with students and parents to administer the kindergarten screening assessment. You may schedule a time at Back to School night

Teachers 2015-2016


Mrs. Gunn, Mrs. Vasquez, Mrs. Holman

First Grade

Mrs. Newsom, Mrs. Reimschussel, Miss Webb

Second Grade

Miss Burnett, Miss Evans, Mrs. Pace, Ms. Velez

Third Grade

Mrs. Odell, Miss Tobler, Miss Tucker

Fourth Grade

Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Dewey, Mrs. Rucker

Fifth Grade

Miss Bowns, Mrs. Drumm, Mrs. Petmecky

Sixth Grade

Mr. Cooper, Miss Harper, Mr. Hoehne

Special Education

Miss Herring, Mrs. Hirz, Miss Horrocks, Mrs. Hulse, Mrs. Wilkes

Specialty Classes

After school – Mrs. Cole, Title One – Miss Kovacs, Music – Mrs. Seamons, PE – Miss Kuchar, Media Coordinator – Mrs. Roberts, Computers – Mrs. Houghton, ELL – Miss Poulson

Main Office Hours

In August, the office will have the following hours:

August 3-6 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Starting August 10th, the hours will be: Monday – Thursday 8:10AM – 3:50PM . Friday will be 8:10 AM – 2:00 PM. If you have any questions or concerns, Please call the school (801-370-4630) and leave a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Back to School Open House

Our Back to school Open House will be Tuesday, august 18th from 6:00 – 7:00 PM. We will begin with an informational meeting in the gym. This is a good opportunity to help students find classes, meet teachers, and get information about the whole school year. The PTA will be signing up new members this evening. We look forward to seeing you!

Early Dismissal

Each Friday of the school year is an early dismissal day. We dismiss at 1:30 to allow for professional development activities. School lunch is served on those days. The kindergarten schedule on those days is: Morning Kindergarten — 8:40 – 10:45 and Afternoon Kindergarten — 11:25 – 1:30. We have also added some additional early out days this year for teacher development. Please watch the calendars and newsletter for those additional dates.

Regular School Schedule

  • 8:00 – 8:30 – Breakfast served. Please not children should not be at school before 8:00 AM
  • 8:30 – First Bell – Teachers will pick students up at their grade level door.
  • 8:40 – School Day/Instruction Begins
  • 8:40 – 11:40 – Morning Kindergarten
  • 12:20 – 3:20 – Afternoon Kindergarten
  • 3:20 – School is Dismissed

School Attendance Policy

Instruction for grades 1-6 begins every day at 8:40 AM. If a child arrives afar that time, they are considered tardy. Being at school every day and being on time is important. 

We would strongly encourage families to make sure that students are at school by 8:30 AM (if not eating school breakfast). If a student is planning on eating breakfast they should arrive no earlier than 8:00 AM. Breakfast will begin at this time and if students arrive earlier they will not be supervised. PLEASE DO NOT DROP STUDENTS OFF TOO EARLY. Parents will be contacted if students arrive too early.

If a child is ill, he/she should be kept at home. Parents please call the school (801-370-4630) to excuse your child. Please avoid taking students out of school for doctor, dentist, or other appointments. If your child has a medical appointment during school hours, or if your child will be missing school days per doctor recommendation, please get a note from the medical provider excusing the tardy/absence. If a child misses school, please make every effort to work with your child’s teacher to keep up with their homework. 

Bus Schedule

 The bus schedule for the 2015-2016 school year will be very similar to last year’s schedule. It will be posted not he district website (

School Fundraiser

We look forward to doing a Fun Run again this year as our fundraiser. The money donated to the school through the Fun Run is used for students to do activities that we would not be able to do otherwise. Please support students and the school if possible in these fundraising efforts. The Fun Run will be on Friday, October 9th.

The money received from these donations is used for student incentive programs, assemblies, special activities, our High Flyer reading program and our Principal Aviator Club student recognition program.

We have been discussing the idea of a Fall Activity similar to the skate night and a Spring Cinco de Mayo Party this year to have fun as a school community. Watch for further details in coming newsletters.

Fee Waiver/FERPA 

Fee waiver information is available on the district website ( The information is not of great significance to elementary schools because we do not charge fees for materials. We may occasionally ask for a donation to support a class activity or field trip but no child will be prohibited from attending any activity if you cannot provide the donation. 

FERPA information is available online at

Breakfast and Lunch

The cost school lunch this year is $2.00 (40 cents for reduced). The cost for breakfast is $1.50 (30 cents for reduced). adult lunches are $4.00 and breakfast is $2.00. It would be great if families pay for lunches before school begins and that can done online (at or at the Back to School Night on the 18th. It is important that we remind all families that the district has taken a very strong position that lunches CANNOT be charged. Thank you for making every effort to stay ahead of the lunch money needs. If an family is in need of assistance for lunch and breakfast for your children, please fill out the accompanying form and return it to the school or this form can also be completed on the District we page ( Please return this form before the beginning of the school year. Applications mush be filled out each year, as they do not carry over from year to year. Forms will be available in the office throughout the year as needed.

Title One

We will be a Title One School once agin this school year. With the additional Title One funds, we plan to have family activities that promote learning. we will also be implementing educational learning activities that we would not other wise be able to have without these funds.

High Flyers

Teaching children to read is our number one goal. The High Flyers program has been very successful for us at Amelia Earhart so please help us to keep hem reading at home. At the very heart of all great schools is a fantastic home reading program. Once again, students will be encouraged to participate in our school reading program…better knows as “High Flyers”. Students have the opportunity to set reading goals and then read outside of school with family, friends, or alone. Students reaching their goal at the halfway point and at the end of the year will be involved in special activities to “celebrate” their super reading. The required hours for High Flyers (to be read between September 1st and April 30th):

  • Grades K-2:  50 hours
  • Grades 3-6:  75 hours

This goal can easily be met if students in K-2 grades read 20 minutes and students in 3-6 grades read 30 minutes each school night.

High flyer calendars will come home with your children. Please keep track of the minutes and hours your child reads. These calendars must be returned by the 10th each month with a parent signature.

We would love for children to also become a member of the Double Club. Double Club reading hours are:

  • Grades K-2:  100 hours
  • Grades 3-6:  150 hours

At the completion of the High Flyers program, all the High Flyers will participate in a year-end activity. This is the culminating event to our fantastic home reading program, and one of the highlights that students look forward to attending. We are excited about a great year of reading and hope to see EVERY student at the High Flyer Activities.  

Student Drop Off & Pick Up and Student Entry/Exit of Building

As you may be aware, the congestion before and after school is a major safety concern. We are making an effort to change that and have looked at how we might make it safer.

We will continue to ask the a parents drop students off at the east side of the building (near the gym) for grades 2nd through 6th.

Busses, Kindergarten and First grade drop off/pick up ONLY will be allowed in front of the building. Please do not park and leave your vehicle in the drop off area.

We will also ask students to enter and exit specific doors. If older siblings are picking up younger siblings, we ask you to have them meet outside the door they come out. 

We would ask that you not drop off students any earlier than 8:00 AM for those students eating breakfast at school, and 8:20 AM for those students not eating breakfast at school. This will help ensure the safety of our students.

Your cooperation with these procedures will be greatly appreciated. Please understand that these are made totally in the interest of student safety.


The PTA is a wonderful support to our school and your children. We encourage you to volunteer in your child’s classroom, help with field trips or classroom activities.  Please support the PTA during the 2015-2016 school year by joining at Back to School Night. Membership fee is $5.00

Immunization Clinic

The school nurses and Utah County Health Department are conducting an immunization clinic in the Professional Development Center at the Provo School District office on August 19th, 2015 from 8:30am until 4:30pm.


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